Downloading Instructions/Help

Most of these music files are in .MP3 format. To view them you will need a program capable of playing them. I recommend Winamp. It is available for free right here, it's cool looking (especially with the skins), it supports a variety of music formats, and it's also available for Macs.

Anyway, when you click the link to download the song, in Netscape and Internet Explorer, a window pops up asking if you want to save the file to disk, or open from its current location. If you want to keep the file on your computer, click "save file to disk". If not, you can open it from its current location and whatever program you have assosciated with .MP3 files start playing it. I'm currently angry with my copy of RealPlayer because it set itself as my default MP3 and Video player.

Now that we've got all of that sorted out
All of the songs featured here are the legal property of their respective artists. These songs are for evalution purposes only. You can keep them for 24 hours and then you must delete them off your hard drive.

For those of you that worry
If the songs contain vulgar or suggestive lyrics, there will be a note at the top of the song's page. Most of these songs would fall into the Rock/Alternative category. I'll try to steer away from rap such as that of Eminem and rock that some people might deem scary (Korn scary? Korn is good for you). If you don't like the song or the band, don't listen to it. Keep an open mind and try to enjoy the music featured here.

main -->media -->Associated Music|info|misc.