The Galactic Leyline: name dispute
The Name Dispute

ron, confused

harry, confused

Ron: How do you spell it anyway?

Harry:I... I don't know!

There is a big dispute over the last name of the Harry and Ron. Two fairly official sources, (Toonami and one picture that appears to be from a manga or something) spell it MacDougall. Some of the stranger spellings out there are MacDewgal, Micdeugal, and Mcdoggal. I'm off on my on using McDougal, while some people spell it with an extra L or starting off with Mac. The name translates out into "Son(s) of Black Hill," no finite meaning there. MacDougall is Scottish, and McDougal is the Irish variant. I use the latter because I'm partial to Irish names, especially ones that show up everywhere including my school books, and it's shorter. I have no idea where the other people are getting their spellings, although some are just different interpretations.
Final statement: If you think Ron has a Scottish heritage spell it MacDougal(l), if you think that he has an Irish heritage or just want to save time spell it McDougal.

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