my violent angel

Harry McDougal

Harry McDougal

The younger McDougal, Harry is a bit more carefree than Ron. Not to say that he's impulsive, though he is prone to sudden fits of anger and madness. But that's what we love about him, apart from the hair. He died fighting to save Melfina (who ended up with that unworthy Gene). An ace-pilot, especially in battle, Harry and his brother have become rich from working as bounty hunters. He has typical Male Android Syndrome; meaning that because he is the male out of a pair of Constructs, he has very bad luck. But he always survives one way or another, so we will always have our violent angel.

angel in the leyline -violent- angel sweet guardian

angelic destroyer | poor digital boy | the knight of the leyline | hei-rii-kun!

An Evil Dog Production
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